2024 ✅ Serving it Right Canada (SIR); Smart Serve; Certificate Test Answers 6

Why is there no single scientific measure that determines whether a person is intoxicated?
Why is there no sign scientific measure that determines whether a person is intoxicated?
A: because intoxication is an observed state
B: because intoxication is a psychological state
C: because the normal use of physical or mental faculties cannot be measured
D: because the abnormal use of physical or mental faculties cannot be measured

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because intoxication is an observed state

Which best describes the effects when alcohol and other dream drugs such as cannabis are consumed together
Which best describes the effects when alcohol and other drugs such as cannabis are consumed together?
Which best describes the effects when alcohol and other drugs are consumed together?
A: the combined effects are predictable
B: the effects of the drugs are lessened by the effects of the alcohol
C: the effects of the alcohol are lessened by the effects of the drugs
D: the combined effects increase the risk of accidental injury and other tragic consequences

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the combined effects increase the risk of accidental injury and other tragic consequences

What is the server’s and licensee’s legal obligation towards intoxicated patrons who are leaving?
A: confiscate their car keys
B: ensure they can walk unassisted
C: ensure they are served non-alcoholic beverages
D: ensure they have a safe ride home or another safe place to go

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ensure they have a safe ride home or another safe place to go

What is the most important intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
What is the most importance intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
A: improving the credibility of a licensed establishment
B: reducing over-consumption of alcohol in licensed establishments
C: establishing roles and responsibilities with respect to alcohol service
D: maintaining a record of all incidents related to alcohol sales and service

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reducing over-consumption of alcohol in licensed establishments

What is the most important intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
Which is the most important intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
A: improving the credibility of a licensed establishment
B: establishing roles and responsibilities with respect to alcohol service
C: maintaining a record of all incidents related to alcohol sales and service
D: eliminating the sale and service of liquor to minors and intoxicated patrons

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eliminating the sale and service of liquor to minors and intoxicated patrons

Which is the most important intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
A: improving the profitability of a licensed establishment
B: eliminating customer complaints associated with liquor service
C: eliminating the sale and service of liquor to minors and intoxicated patrons
D: improving the quality of training provided for servers in a food-primary establishment

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eliminating the sale and service of liquor to minors and intoxicated patrons

Which is the most important intended result of implementing a responsible beverage service program?
A: providing for a safe ride home for customers
B: maintaining a record of alcohol-related incidents
C: decreasing the number of alcohol-related incidents
D: implementing a door check policy in a liquor-primary establishment

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decreasing the number of alcohol-related incidents

Which staff members must have SIR certification in a liquor-primary licensed establishment?
A: servers and bartenders
B: bartenders and managers
C: managers, servers, bartenders, and cooks
D: licensees, managers, servers, and bartenders

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licensees, managers, servers, and bartenders

What is an important step to ensure that duty of care obligations in the context of alcohol sales and services are met?
A: a note of any medical alert jewelry, such as a diabetic bracelet
B: provide a copy of the house policy to customers as they arrive at the establishment
C: have photographs of previously ejected patrons in a place where all staff has quick access
D: take steps so that if patrons become intoxicated, they do not pose a threat to other patrons or the public

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take steps so that if patrons become intoxicated, they do not pose a threat to other patrons or the public

While at your premises, what is the most practical way to determine if an individual is intoxicated?
A: observe the amount of food consumed by the individual per hour
B: observe how many standard drinks are consumed by the individual per hour
C: count the number of times the individual goes to the restroom
D: count the number of drinks the individual has purchased

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observe how many standard drinks are consumed by the individual per hour

Which would best slow down the alcohol absorption process, when consumed with alcohol?
A: coffee
B: pizza
C: non carbonated beverages
D: carbonated beverages

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Who can the injured party take legal action against when the duty of care is NOT met?
A: the owner and server
B: the manager, owner, and cook
C: the patrons and owners
D: the licensee, the manager, and the server

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the licensee, the manager, and the server

Who can the injured party take legal action against when the duty of care is NOT met?
A: the licensee, manager and server
B: only the licensee and server
C: only the manager and server
D: the owner, manager and patrons

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the licensee, manager and server

When may a licensee sell liquor?
A: only before 2:00 am
B: any day except Christmas and Easter Sunday
C: whenever the licensed establishment is open
D: only during the hours posted on the license or catering authorization

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only during the hours posted on the license or catering authorization

When checking IDs to identify minors, what should you look for on the British Columbia Drivers Licenses and Identification Cards?
A: the cardholder's Image should be "ghosted" at a different depth from the primary photo
B: the cardholder's date of birth should appear below the primary photo
C: the date of birth should appear all in digits in the format dd/mm/yy
D: the cardholder's signature should be listed both under the primary photo and ghosted image

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the cardholder's Image should be "ghosted" at a different depth from the primary photo

When checking IDs, what information on the BC Novice (N) and Learners (L) type Driver’s licences helps identify drivers license holders under the age of 19 easily?
When checking IDs, what information on the BC Novice (N) and Learners (L) type Driver’s licences helps identify drivers licence holders under the age of 19 easily?
A: ultraviolet designs that appear under a black light
B: a ghosted image other than the primary photo
C: magnetic strips containing additional information
D: the date the card holder will turn 19

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the date the card holder will turn 19

What can be done to create a pleasant environment for guests and help prevent intoxication?
A: serve a maximum of two standard drinks to a customer
B: greet guests as they arrive and watch their behaviour
C: dress well, be prompt in service and suggest additional drinks
D: remind guests to place large orders 30 minutes before closing time

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greet guests as they arrive and watch their behaviour

Which of the following activities is permitted for minors employed in food-primary establishments, or liquor-primary stadiums who are 16 or older?
A: serving liquor.
B: opening liquor bottles.
C: pouring liquor.
D: mixing liquor.

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serving liquor.

Which is the best statement when refusing service to an intoxicated patron?
Which is the best statement when refusing service to an intoxicated patron (person)?
A: I have the authority to cut-off service to you.
B: You are drunk and I will not serve you anymore.
C: I'll be in trouble with my manager if I serve again.
D: You seem to be intoxicated. You have to leave now.

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I'll be in trouble with my manager if I serve again.

What should a team member be briefed on when preparing to back up a co-worker prior to discontinuing service?
A: a mutually agreed upon signal to indicate his or her assistance is required
B: an exit strategy if the customer requires assistance out of the establishment
C: information relevant to the situation
D: knowledge of his or her legal responsibilities to the customer

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information relevant to the situation

If there is no underlying medical condition or disability, what is a likely sign of intoxication?
A: diminished emotions
B: increased perspiration
C: reduced drowsiness
D: intensified perception

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increased perspiration

If there is no underlying medical condition or disability, what is a likely sign of intoxication?
If there is no underlying a medical condition or disability, what is a likely sign of intoxication?
A: cerebral palsy
B: visual impairments
C: speech impediments
D: acquired brain injuries
E: mobility impairments
F: all of the above

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all of the above

HINT: Patrons with physical and mental disabilities or medical condition exhibit the same physical signs of intoxication, such as the above

Which is a duty that a licensee and its management and staff owe to both patrons and innocent third parties?
A: serve alcohol until midnight on most days
B: provide adequate lighting that prevents intoxication
C: Control the environment in the establishment.
D: serve a maximum of two standard drinks to a customer

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Control the environment in the establishment.

What is an effective technique that a licensed establishment can use to prevent intoxication?
A: only serve drinks until midnight
B: train staff in up-selling techniques
C: only allow small groups of guests at a time
D: promote the service of one drink per customer at a time

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promote the service of one drink per customer at a time

Which serving technique would be the most effective in preventing intoxication?
A: keep the guest relaxed and happy
B: listen to the guest’s problems
C: Monitor the number of drinks you serve each guest
D: all of above

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Monitor the number of drinks you serve each guest

What is an effective technique that a licensed establishment can use to prevent intoxication?
A: train staff in up-selling techniques
B: promote the service of one drink per customer at a time
C: only serve drinks until midnight
D: publish your evening entertainment in the local media

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promote the service of one drink per customer at a time

Which is the best question to verify ID?
A: who gave you this ID?
B: what is your first name?
C: what is your postal code?
D: what is your mother's maiden name?

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what is your postal code?

What is an action that servers can take to help meet their legal duty regarding sale and service of liquor?
A: remind patrons by signal or announcement of the limited time frame for consuming liquor
B: ensure patrons leave the premises within 60 minutes of completing the liquor service
C: offer to provide food at reduced prices to intoxicated patrons to help them sober up
D: allow patrons to enter outside the permitted hours for liquor service but do not serve any liquor during those times

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remind patrons by signal or announcement of the limited time frame for consuming liquor

What is the best option to ensure that patrons who seem intoxicated get home safely?
A: ensure patron does not have keys
B: ensure that patrons are driven home by someone sober or a taxi
C: ensure they have something to eat before they leave the premises
D: ensure that no alcohol is consumed 45 minutes prior to leaving

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ensure that patrons are driven home by someone sober or a taxi

What is the best option to ensure that patrons who seem intoxicated get home safely?
A: ensure that free coffee is provided to help patrons sober up
B: ensure that no alcohol is consumed 45 minutes prior to leaving
C: ensure that patrons are driven home by someone sober or a taxi
D: ensure that someone from the restaurant drives the patron home safely

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ensure that patrons are driven home by someone sober or a taxi

The British Columbia’s Liquor Control and Licensing Act Smart Serve; Serving it Right Canada (SIR) Responsible Beverage Service Program Guidelines and ID Verification; SIR certificate Test Answers
✅ ANSWER Verified: Approved Answer
Alcohol Test Answers ★ Q&As 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


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