2024 ✅ Alcohol Edu Test Answers 1

What is the percentage of incoming college students who report being frequent, high-risk drinkers?

What percentage of incoming college students report being frequent high risk drinkers
what is the percentage of incoming college students who report being frequent high risk drinkers
What is the percentage of " high risk drinkers"
A: 63%
B: 36%
C: 17%
D: 11%

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EXPLANATION: In Module 5: Drinking and Motivation, Only 11% of incoming college students who reported being were frequent high-risk or heavy drinkers.

Someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following BAC ranges:

A: 0.02 - 0.04%
B: 0.05 - 0.10%
C: 0.11 - 0.15%
D: None of the above

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0.02 - 0.04%

Someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following BAC ranges:

someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following bac ranges: choose an option below .04 or less .05 - .10 .11 - .20 .21 - .35
A.) .04 or less
B.) .05 - .10
C.) .11 - .20
D.) .21 - .35

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.04 or less

Which is a legal punishment that could occur if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol?

Which legal punishments could occur if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol? Check all that apply.
A: removal from sports teams
B: expulsion from school
C: community service
D: dismissal from social clubs

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community service

Which is a possible consequence for violating a zero-tolerance school policy?

A: expulsion
B: jail time
C: monetary fine
D: loss of driver's license

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Which are a possible consequences for violating a zero-tolerance school policy? Check all that apply.

A: Expulsion
B: Suspension
C: Corporal punishment
D: Removal from sports team

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removal from sports team

Which short-term outcome would underage drinkers most likely to experience?

A: cirrhosis of the liver
B: headaches
C: kidney failure
D: heart disease

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Which of these is a short-term effect of alcohol?

A: headaches
B: high blood pressure
C: nerve damage
D: alcoholic hepatitis

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Which of these is considered a long-term effect of alcohol abuse?

A: slurred speech
B: vomiting
C: impaired judgment
D: thin and brittle bones

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thin and brittle bones

Which condition is often a result of alcohol addiction?

A: diabetes
B: emphysema
C: heart attack
D: cirrhosis of the liver

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cirrhosis of the liver

Which types of media glamorize alcohol use? Select three options.

A: celebrity endorsements
B: social media posts
C: family stories about alcoholism
D: social drinking
E: movies and television

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celebrity endorsements
social media posts
movies and television

How much alcohol is a person under the age of 21 allowed to consume?

A: 0.0 oz
B: 0.8 oz
C: 1.0 oz
D: 0.5 oz

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0.0 oz

Which factor can potentially increase a teenager’s alcohol use?

A: desire to be different
B: inability to sleep
C: wish for peer approval
D: hope to be more dependent

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wish for peer approval

2. Which factors can potentially increase a teenager’s alcohol use? Check all that apply.

A: desire for independence
B: inability to sleep
C: desire to be popular
D: boredom and loneliness
E: inability to cope with problems

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desire to be popular
desire for independence
boredom and loneliness
inability to cope with problems

Which type of consequence includes depression, antisocial behavior, and/or poor grades?

A: family
B: personal
C: public
D: legal

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Which steps can you take to help a person suffering from alcohol abuse? Select three options.

A: Call a treatment service.
B: Post updates of the abuse on your social media page.
C: Confide in someone you trust.
D: Seek out a healthcare professional.
E: Report the problem to the local authorities.

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Call a treatment service.
Confide in someone you trust.
Seek out a healthcare professional.

Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

A: Liver
B: Stomach
C: Spleen
D: Both A and C

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Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?

A: Hippocampus
B: Pancreas
C: Central nervous system
D: Liver
E: All of the above

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For men, which number and frequency of drinks defines binge drinking?

Which number and frequency of drinks defines binge drinking?
A: 5 or more drinks at one time
B: 2 drinks a day
C: 8 or more drinks a week
D: 15 or more drinks a week

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5 or more drinks at one time

Which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers:

which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers quizlet
A: a sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol
B: carbonation generally slows the rate of alcohol absorption
C: caffeine helps keep the person aware of how intoxicated he or she is
D: all of the above

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all of the above

Carbonation generally slows the rate of alcohol absorption.

A: True
B: False

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The "rate of absorption":

A: Has to do with how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream
B: Has to do with how quickly alcohol is processed by the kidneys
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Has to do with how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream

If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol:

A: The female's BAC will likely be higher
B: The male's BAC will likely be higher
C: Their BAC levels would be the same
D: None of the above

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The female's BAC will likely be higher

Each standard size drink always contains:

A: The same amount of calories
B: The same amount of liquid
C: The same amount of alcohol
D: Both B and C

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The same amount of alcohol

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

A: Lay the person flat on his or her back
B: Get the person something to eat right away
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Lay the person flat on his or her back

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

A: Not leave the person alone
B: Get the person some coffee
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Not leave the person alone

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements:

A: They target our expectations and perceptions about drinking
B: They target men and women in the exact same ways
C: They accurately depict the negative effects from drinking too much
D: None of the above

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They target our expectations and perceptions about drinking

Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in memory:

A: Nucleus accumbens
B: Hypothalamus
C: Hippocampus
D: All of the above

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A blackout is:

A: Passing out from drinking
B: When people are unable to remember what they did while they were drinking
C: Caused by an impairment of the liver
D: Both A and B

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Both A and B

EXPLANATION: A blackout is not the same as passing out. A blackout is when a person is unable to remember what they did when they were drinking because his or her hippocampus was impaired.

A blackout is:

A: More likely to be experienced when drinking quickly
B: More likely to be experienced by men
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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More likely to be experienced when drinking quickly

Alcohol Drugs EDU Answers 2

Which of the following statement(s) are always true about alcohol:

A: The higher BAC rises, the greater the chance of feeling tired, depressed, or nauseous;
B: The higher BAC rises, the harder it can be for people to control their actions;
C: Alcohol has no affect on some people;
D: Both A and B

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Both A and B

To avoid a situation where someone is tempted to drive after drinking, you could:

A: Call ahead for a taxi to pick up you or your friends;
B: Get a sober designated driver to drive everyone home;
C: Check to see if your school has a safe ride program;
D: All of the above

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All of the above

What is a standard drink measurement?

A: It allows you to determine if you're getting what you paid for
B: It allows you to determine what is inside of a mixed drink
C: It is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink
D: It is a measurement to determine if you are legally drunk

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It is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink

Which of the following is a key factor that influences BAC? alcoholedu

A: Height
B: Eating certain foods
C: Body weight
D: All of the above

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Body weight

Which of the following is a key factor that influences bac quizlet

A: height
B: mood
C: gender
D: both B and C

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How long can it take for the body to process the alcohol in one standard drink

How long does it take the body to process one standard drink
A: 10 minutes
B: 20 minutes
C: 1 hour
D: 2 hours

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2 hours

Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication:

A: Stomach irritation
B: Liver damage
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Both A and B

Which factor is the only way to lower BAC?

A: Food
B: Time
C: Medications
D: Physical activity
E: Both A and B

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Among students who drink, what percentage typically have not drank in the last month? not anymore

A: 2%
B: 5%
C: 8%
D: 15%
E: 27%
F: Not sure

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E: 27%

College students overestimate the amount their peers drink.

A: True
B: False

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What number of college students are nondrinkers?

What number of college students are nondrinkers quizlet
A: 1 in 2
B: 1 in 5
C: 1 in 10
D: 1 in 20
E: 1 in 35
F: not sure

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1 in 5

And what percentage of students did not consume any alcohol during the past 2 weeks?

ANS: 61% of incoming students didn't drink alcohol.

How many students between the ages of 18 and 24 drive under the influence of alcohol

ANS: 3.36 million (Each year an estimated 3,360,000)

What percent of students report having used at least one of the following tactics to keep their drinking sensible: avoiding drinking games, setting a maximum number of drinks in advance, having a friend help them know when to stop, pacing drinks to one or fewer per hour.

ANS: 28%

Mark all of the symptoms of alcohol poisoning? not anymore

irregular breathing
slurred speech
dry mouth
erratic behavior
blurred vision
pale of bluish skin

what to do when your college student is drinking too much
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Alcohol Test Answers ★ Q&As 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024

What is the percentage of incoming college students who report being frequent, high-risk drinkers?

What percentage of incoming college students report being frequent high risk drinkers
what is the percentage of incoming college students who report being frequent high risk drinkers
What is the percentage of " high risk drinkers"

Someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following BAC ranges:

ANSWER: 0.02 - 0.04%

Someone is more likely to start to report feeling in a "good mood" or "warm and fuzzy" at which of the following BAC ranges:

ANSWER: .04 or less

Which is a legal punishment that could occur if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol?

Which legal punishments could occur if a person is found to be driving while under the influence of alcohol? Check all that apply.
ANSWER: community service

Which is a possible consequence for violating a zero-tolerance school policy?

ANSWER: expulsion

Which are a possible consequences for violating a zero-tolerance school policy? Check all that apply.

ANSWER: expulsion
removal from sports team

Which short-term outcome would underage drinkers most likely to experience?

ANSWER: headaches

Which of these is a short-term effect of alcohol?

ANSWER: headaches

Which of these is considered a long-term effect of alcohol abuse?

ANSWER: thin and brittle bones

Which condition is often a result of alcohol addiction?

ANSWER: cirrhosis of the liver

Which types of media glamorize alcohol use? Select three options.

ANSWER: celebrity endorsements
social media posts
movies and television

How much alcohol is a person under the age of 21 allowed to consume?

ANSWER: 0.0 oz

Which factor can potentially increase a teenager’s alcohol use?

ANSWER: wish for peer approval

2. Which factors can potentially increase a teenager’s alcohol use? Check all that apply.

ANSWER: desire to be popular
desire for independence
boredom and loneliness
inability to cope with problems

Which type of consequence includes depression, antisocial behavior, and/or poor grades?

ANSWER: personal

Which steps can you take to help a person suffering from alcohol abuse? Select three options.

ANSWER: Call a treatment service.
Confide in someone you trust.
Seek out a healthcare professional.

Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?


Which of the following has primary responsibility for eliminating alcohol from the bloodstream?


For men, which number and frequency of drinks defines binge drinking?

Which number and frequency of drinks defines binge drinking?
ANSWER: 5 or more drinks at one timer

Which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers:

which of the following is true about energy drinks and mixers quizlet
ANSWER: all of the above ( a sweet taste can hide the taste of alcohol; carbonation generally slows the rate of alcohol absorption; and caffeine helps keep the person aware of how intoxicated he or she is )

Carbonation generally slows the rate of alcohol absorption.


The "rate of absorption":

ANSWER: Has to do with how quickly alcohol enters the bloodstream

If a male and a female who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol:

ANSWER: The female's BAC will likely be higher

Each standard size drink always contains:

ANSWER: The same amount of alcohol

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

ANSWER: Lay the person flat on his or her back

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:

ANSWER: Not leave the person alone

Which of the following things are generally true about alcohol advertisements:

ANSWER: They target our expectations and perceptions about drinking

Which part(s) of the brain, when impaired by alcohol, play an important role in memory:

ANSWER: Hippocampus

A blackout is:

ANSWER: Both Passing out from drinking and When people are unable to remember what they did while they were drinking

A blackout is:

ANSWER: More likely to be experienced when drinking quickly

Which of the following statement(s) are always true about alcohol:

ANSWER: Both The higher BAC rises, the greater the chance of feeling tired, depressed, or nauseous; and The higher BAC rises, the harder it can be for people to control their actions;

To avoid a situation where someone is tempted to drive after drinking, you could:

ANSWER: All of the above ( Call ahead for a taxi to pick up you or your friends; Get a sober designated driver to drive everyone home; and Check to see if your school has a safe ride program;)

What is a standard drink measurement?

ANSWER: It is a consistent way of measuring the amount of alcohol in a drink

Which of the following is a key factor that influences BAC? alcoholedu

ANSWER: Body weight

Which of the following is a key factor that influences bac quizlet

ANSWER: gender

How long can it take for the body to process the alcohol in one standard drink

How long does it take the body to process one standard drink
ANSWER: 2 hours

Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication:

ANSWER: Both Stomach irritation and Liver damage

Which factor is the only way to lower BAC?


Among students who drink, what percentage typically have not drank in the last month? not anymore


College students overestimate the amount their peers drink.


What number of college students are nondrinkers?

What number of college students are nondrinkers quizlet
ANSWER: 1 in 5

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