2024 ✅ Alcohol and other Drugs Edu Test Answers 6

Which factors may increase the likelihood of a person doing drugs? Check all that apply.
Which factors may increase the likelihood of a person using drugs? Select three options.
A: experiencing depression
B: family members using drugs
C: favorite celebrities using drugs
D: having a serious childhood illness
E: taking prescription pain relievers

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experiencing depression
family members using drugs
favorite celebrities using drugs
taking prescription pain relievers

Which consequences are possible results of poor decision-making associated with drug abuse? Check all that apply.
Which is a possible consequence of poor decision-making associated with drug abuse?
A: loss of future goals
B: increased risk of traffic accidents
C: increased safety in automobiles
D: decreased involvement in violence
E: increased risk of an unplanned pregnacy

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loss of future goals
increased risk of traffic accidents
increased risk of an unplanned pregnancy

Which characteristic is associated with drug abuse?
A: financial stability
B: poor decision making
C: decreased family difficulties
D: increased personal safety

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poor decision making

Which of these issues are related to long-term cocaine use? Check all that apply.
A: mental alertness
B: paranoia
C: malnutrition
D: sensitivity to light
E: birth defects

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birth defects

Which results are legal consequences associated with drug abuse? Check all that apply.
A: criminal record
B: loss of driver's license
C: expulsion from school
D: breakdown of family relationshipss
E: increased risk of contracting hepatitis C

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criminal record
loss of driver's license
expulsion from school

Which scenarios are examples of external pressure to do drugs? Check all that apply.
A: a sibling tells a teen to try drugs
B: a teen feels depressed and decides to try drugs
C: a friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs
D: a teen's coworkers are talkings about using drugs last weekend
E: a teen finds his parents prescription pain reliever and decides to try it

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a sibling tells a teen to try drugs
a friend invites a teen to a party where there are drugs
a teen's coworkers are talkings about using drugs last weekend

Which characteristics is a sign of drug addiction?
A: regular work attendance
B: easily able to stop taking a drug
C: experiencing legal problems
D: never taking more of a particular drug

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experiencing legal problems

Why are over-the-counter drugs often abused?
A: They taste better than prescription drugs
B: they are legal and easy to access
C: they do not need to be taken daily
D: they are more potent than prescription drugs

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they are legal and easy to access

Which consequences of drug abuse affect the community? Check all that apply.
A: fines
B: criminal record
C: concern for safety
D: addiction treatment
E: cost of incarceration

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criminal record
addiction treatment

Which of these issues are related to long-term heroin use? Check all that apply.
A: pleasure
B: depression
C: hypoxia
D: drug poisoning
E: sudden infant death syndrome

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drug poisoning

Which of these prescription drugs are commonly abused? Check all that apply.
A: opiate pain relievers
B: heroin
C: ecstasy
D: ADHD medication
E: antianxiety drugs

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opiate pain relievers
ADHD medication
antianxiety drugs

How does a person who struggles with addiction cope with influencing triggers? Check all that apply.
A: do it alone
B: don't give in
C: ride out your urges
D: challenge your thoughts
E: leave high-risk situations

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Don't give in.
Ride out your urges.
Challenge your thoughts.
Leave high-risk situations.

What can make it more difficult for a person to remain drug-free?
A: peer pressure
B: planning ahead
C: family problems
D: parental involvement

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peer pressure

Which results best exemplify positive changes when someone stops using alcohol? Check all that apply.
A: improved liver function
B: decreased blood pressure
C: reduced respiratory symptoms
D: lowered risk of alcohol dependency
E: potential decreased risk of certain cancers

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improved liver function
decreased blood pressure
lowered risk of alcohol dependency
potential decreased risk of certain cancers

Which personal result supports a short-term benefit of discontinued alcohol use?
A: increased risk of injuries
B: reduced risk of liver disease
C: reduced risk of trouble at school
D: increased struggle in relationships

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reduced risk of trouble at school

Which examples are considered benefits of abstaining from alcohol? Check all that apply.
A: decreasing social and family issues
B: increasing medication interactions
C: increasing neurological problems
D: decreasing risk of chronic diseases
E: increasing control of the mind and body

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decreasing social and family issues
decreasing risk of chronic diseases
increasing control of the mind and body

Which mechanism is required when saying no to drugs?
A: money
B: aggression
C: social status
D: self-discipline

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What strategies can a person practice to prevent the use of harmful situations? Check all that apply.
A: Be a positive role model
B: Confide in a proven trusted adult
C: Use special mediaa to get peer advice
D: Choose friends who do not use drugs
E: Build your relationship with your parents

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Be a positive role model
Confide in a proven trusted adult
Choose friends who do not use drugs
Build your relationship with your parents

Which mental health issues can nicotine addiction lead to? Select three options.
Which mental health issues can nicotine addiction lead to? Check all that apply.
A: anger
B: headaches
C: anxiety
D: mood swings
E: hunger

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mood swings

Which statement is a refusal strategy?
A: I will try it once, but that's it.
B: I like to use a different brand.
C: My parents will be very disappointed in me.
D: My friends and I prefer weed to what you are using.

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My parents will be very disappointed in me.

Which question would a friend most likely ask to determine whether someone needs help dealing with distress?
A: How long did the feelings last?
B: Have you felt this way before?
C: What time of day was the event?
D: Will you experience this again?

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How long did the feelings last?

Which are risk factors for suicide? Select four options.
A: mental health disorders
B: substance abuse
C: side effects from medications
D: having a relative who is suicidal
E: experiencing a minor change in life

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mental health disorders
substance abuse
side effects from medications
having a relative who is suicidal

Which method can help a person cope with grief on his or her own?
A: maintaining a daily routine
B: seeking help from a counselor
C: talking with friends in a peer group
D: finding outside perspectives about the loss

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maintaining a daily routine

What are the primary steps for developing a plan to lead a substance-free life? Select three options.
What are the primary steps for developing a plan to lead a substance-free life? Check all that apply.
A: planning ahead
B: being willing to fail
C: developing strategies
D: determining outcomes
E: criticizing yourself often

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planning ahead
developing strategies
determining outcomes

Which behavior is an economic cost of stress?
A: feeling frustrated
B: missing days of work
C: sleepwalking at night
D: having difficulty communicating

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missing days of work

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Alcohol Test Answers ★ Q&As 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023


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