2024 ✅ Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs and The Body Test Answers 6

The effect of alcohol varies from one person to another, mostly because it depends on the blood alcohol concentration, or BAC. What does blood alcohol concentration NOT depend on?
A: amount of food in the stomach
B: gender and size of the drinker
C: rate of consumption
D: time of drinking

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Time of drinking

What kind of help does the support group American Council on Alcoholism provide?
A: it helps friends and family deal with the alcoholic.
B: it provides referrals and information about treatment facilities.
C: it educates people on the ill effects of alcoholism

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It educates people on the ill effects of alcohol.

Like many forms of substance abuse, alcoholism develops through stages. Which of the following stages is the most advanced and the most difficult to recover from?
A: abuse
B: addiction
C: dependence

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In which stage of alcoholism does the drinker face serious health problems?
A: Problem drinking stage
B: Dependence stage
C: Last stage

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Dependence stage

Which of the following is a helpful way to overcome an addiction to smoking tobacco?
A: Switch to smokeless tobacco, and use the nicotine patch to gradually withdraw from nicotine.
B: Avoid tobacco products and people who smoke, and attend group counseling sessions.
C: Take painkillers as a substitute for the drug, and then slowly reduce the dosage.
D: Avoid telling your friends of your plans to quit, and join a support group instead.

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Avoid tobacco products and people who smoke, and attend group counseling sessions.

What is the main reason that restaurants, offices, and other public places have separate areas for smokers?
A: To limit non-smokers' exposure to second-hand smoke
B: To discourage people from taking up smoking
C: To deglamorize the use of tobacco

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To limit non-smokers' exposure to second-hand smoke

Which of the following is the best example of peer pressure using a reasoning tactic?
A: "Have a cigarette: Everyone in this group smokes."
B: "C'mon and take a sip: Don't be a bore."
C: "Act like your sister: She smoked pot and never got caught."

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"Act like your sister. She smoked pot and never got caught."

People addicted to smokeless tobacco can develop thick, leathery white spots in the mouth. What are these spots called?
A: emphysema
B: leukoplakia
C: mouth ulcers

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You are helping the school nurse decide which students are most at risk for health problems. Look at these four cases. Which person seems most likely to abuse drugs because of peer pressure?
A: Everyone in Margene's family smokes: She has decided not to start: Her best friends are also committed to abstaining from tobacco use.
B: Jacob plays basketball and has to be the best player on the team: He practices all the time and eats a diet high in protein, carbohydrates, and vitamins:
C: Rhonda lives in a housing project: Her parents work hard, and the whole family checks on her social life regularly to make sure she studies and stays active.
D: Ramon is outgoing and likes to give parties at his house: He's easygoing, and he likes the company because his parents are away a lot.

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Ramon is outgoing and likes to give parties at his house. He's easygoing, and he likes the company because his parents are away a lot.

Your good friend Monica has started using drugs, and you're worried about her. How should you try to help her quit drugs?
A: Tell her you're concerned for her, and offer to go with her to speak with someone that can help.
B: Make it clear that you have problems with both Monica and her behavior.
C: Criticize Monica's behavior and threaten to call her parents.

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tell her you have concerns for her, and offer to go with her to speak with someone that can help.

Your good friend Monica has started using drugs, and you are worried about her. How should you tried to help her quit drugs?
A: Tell her you're concerned for her, and describe her behavior when she is under the influence to make her see that she should quit.
B: Tell her you're concerned for her, and say that you will have to tell her parents about her habit if she doesn't stop.
C: Tell her you are concerned for her, and offer support by suggesting specific ways to help her stop using drugs.

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Tell her you are concerned for her, and offer support by suggesting specific ways to help her stop using drugs.

Meadow's friends keep calling her boring because she refused to drink at the last party they invited her to. What kind of peer pressure is this?
A: rejection
B: put down
C: reasoning

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Put down

Which of the following results from the depressant Rohypnol, also known as the date-rape drug? Select one of the options below as your answer:
A: a decrease in pulse and breathing rates.
B: unconsciousness and the inability to remember what happened
C: violent behavior and decreased sensitivity to pain.

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Unconsciousness and the inability to remember what happened

If Jason wants to build muscle mass in a healthy way, what kind of exercise should he include in his fitness program?
A: aerobic
B: anaerobic
C: cardio

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Several treatments are available to drug abusers to overcome their addiction. Which type of treatment focuses mostly on group or individual counseling? Select one of the options below as your answer:
A: detoxification
B: outpatient drug-free treatment
C: supervised medication
D: maintenance therapy

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Outpatient drug-free treatment

Which is an example of peer pressure based on a "reasoning" tactic?
A: All my friends in the 10th grade are doing it: You should do it too or you won't be our friend.
B: How can sex be bad for you? It's a totally natural thing: So relax and go with the flow.
C: You're such a baby: You're a big prude: You probably don't have sex because you're really gay.

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How can sex be bad for you? It's a totally natural thing. So relax and go with the flow.

Which is an effective way to resist peer pressure to do something you're uncomfortable doing? Select one of the options below as your answer:
A: assertively and confidently say you don't want to
B: create an excuse to leave the situation
C: change the subject that you're uncomfortable with

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Assertively and Confidently say you don't want to

Steroids can decrease an athlete's ability to perform by causing injuries that are difficult to recover from. This happens because steroids don't foster overall development. Which of the following DO steroids strengthen?
A: Ligaments
B: muscles
C: tendons

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Steroid use can have several physical consequences. What effect can the use of steroids have on men?
A: deepened voice
B: enlarged breasts
C: increased facial hair

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enlarged breasts

A person addicted to heroin went through the following treatment to stop his drug abuse: a doctor gradually replaced his daily heroin dosage with the legal drug methadone.
A heroin addict went through the following treatment to stop his drug abuse: a doctor gradually replaced his daily heroin dosage with the legal drug methadone. What is this called?
A: detoxification
B: supervised medication
C: therapeutic community

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Supervised medication

Which is NOT a factor that affects teenagers' ability to resist peer pressure and stand up for their own values?
A: How high or low their self-esteem is
B: the nature of their family background
C: the number of friends they have
D: the role models they look up to
There are a variety of treatments available for people struggling with drug abuse: One type of treatment includes withdrawing gradually but completely from drug use. Which treatment best describes this process?
A: therapeutic community
B: detoxification
C: maintenance therapy
D: supervised medication
Which of these people is most likely to be influenced by peer pressure?
A: Luna, who is very sociable because people have to conform to peer pressure to be sociable
B: Gia, who wears only clothes that are in the latest style, even though she doesn't personally like them:
C: Angelo, whose parents are very personally involved in his life , because he has rarely made decision on his own,
Dietary supplements can help make up for nutrients missing from our diet: Which supplement would most likely be recommended for someone suffering from anemia?
A: calcium
B: iron
C: mineral
D: vitamin
Mario is heavily addicted to smoking but wants to quit: What can he use to reduce the painful effects of withdrawal?
A: nicotine gum
B: smokeless tobacco
C: painkillers
In which of the following situations is someone using peer pressure based on a rejection tactic?
A: Joe has had the same friends since childhood: They all started drinking recently: Joe thinks he should start drinking too or they won't want him around.
B: Martha's friends regularly take Ecstasy at parties: When she refused to take any, they told her she was a bore.
C: Justina's friends drink regularly: They recently told her to quit hanging around because she insists on staying sober.
Who is more likely to give in to peer pressure and start substance abuse?
A: Katrina, who has been feeling depressed and upset lately but can discuss her problems with her older sister
B: Marc, who just joined a new school and is finding it hard to make friends, especially because his parents are away a lot
C: Becky, who saw her favorite actor taking cocaine in a movie and thinks it's cool: Her best friend disagrees and warns her not to copy him.
Which of the following is the least preferable way to refuse when someone offers you drugs at a party?
A: "No, thanks: I decided to never take drugs and I'm going to stick to my decision."
B: "What? Drugs are illegal and you know it: If you ask me to try it again, I'll call the police."
C: "Is that cocaine? No, I don't think I'll try it: I don't do drugs."
What is the best definition of detoxification?
A: a gradual but complete withdrawal from drugs
B: a lifelong commitment to living alcohol-free
C: the process of withdrawing from tobacco use
Bertha's friends recently started drinking: She goes to a lot of parties with them where she is always pressured by the others to have a drink.Which is the best way for Bertha to resist this pressure?
A: Fill a beer can with water and pretend to sip from it: This will make people think she's drinking and no one will pressure her.
B: State firmly that she doesn’t drink: If they persist the next time, she should start hanging out with people who don't drink.
C: Take one drink at the start of the evening and sip it slowly throughout the party: One drink won't harm her or get her into the habit.
Which stimulant is also referred to as crystal or crank and leaves the user feeling confused, shaky, and paranoid when it wears off?
A: amphetamine
B: cocaine
C: methamphetamine
Which term means the spontaneous loss of a pregnancy 20 or more weeks after the pregnancy began?
A: abortion
B: miscarriage
C: stillbirth
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