2024 ✅ Alcohol and other Drugs Edu Test Answers 4

How does alcohol affect the brain and central nervous system?
A: Alcohol heightens capabilities
B: Alcohol targets focus
C: Alcohol speeds up processing
D: Alcohol slows functions down

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Alcohol slows functions down

EXPLANATION: After the first few drinks, people often report feeling in a "good mood", partially because alcohol has started to effect the brain. At this point, they should slow down to avoid feeling the negative effects of alcohol.

Which of the following are potential side effects of drinking alcohol while taking medication:
A: Stomach irritation
B: Liver damage
C: Both A and B
D: None of the above

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Both A and B

Based on sex assigned at birth, women tend to reach higher BAC levels more quickly than men because:
A: They have less of an enzyme in their stomach that breaks down alcohol
B: They have less water in their body
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Both A and B (They have less of an enzyme in their stomach that breaks down alcohol AND They have less water in their body)

Based on sex assigned at birth, if a man and a woman who weigh the same consume the same amount of alcohol:
A: The man's BAC will likely be higher
B: The woman's BAC will likely be higher
C: Their BAC levels would be the same
D: None of the above

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The woman's BAC will likely be higher

Which of the following is NOT likely true about being drunk and engaging in sexual activity?
A: It can decrease the ability to communicate clearly about interests or desires
B: It can increase or prolong sexual arousal
C: It can decrease the rate of condom and contraception use
D: It can increase the likelihood that a person will ignore or disregard their sexual partner's lack of verbal affirmative consent
E: Both A and B

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It can increase or prolong sexual arousal

Under what conditions is a person's consent for sexual activity not valid?
A: They're incapacitated by use of alcohol or other substances
B: They're being threatened or coerced
C: They're asleep
D: All of the above

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All of the above

When laws conflict, nearly all institutions of higher education must follow ___ laws related to alcohol or other drugs.
A: State
B: City
C: Local
D: Federal

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What does the National Minimum Drinking Age Act prohibit?
A: Purchasing alcohol if you are under 21
B: Drinking alcohol if you are under 21
C: Publicly possessing alcoholic beverages if you are under 21
D: Both A and C
E: All of the above

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Both A and C (Purchasing alcohol if you are under 21 AND Publicly possessing alcoholic beverages if you are under 21)

If you suspect that a friend is misusing alcohol or other drugs you can make a positive difference by:
A: Asking a healthcare professional about effective ways to reach out
B: Ignoring it and hoping it will go away
C: Touching base and letting them know you are concerned
D: Both A and C

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Both A and C (Asking a healthcare professional about effective ways to reach out AND Touching base and letting them know you are concerned)

Which of these is NOT a warning sign that someone is misusing alcohol?
A: Drinking only with friends
B: Increasing tolerance or needing more alcohol to get drunk
C: Not able to cut down or stop drinking
D: Feeling strong need or desire to drink

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Drinking only with friends.

DUI stands for:
A: drinking until inebriated
B: driving under the influence
C: driving under inebriation
D: driving using intoxicants

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driving under the influence

Getting a DUI may result in:
A: Legal consequences
B: Loss of financial aid
C: Expulsion
D: Both A and C
E: All of the above

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All of the above

Key signs of a drug overdose include:
A: A fever or very hot skin
B: Pleasant and thankful attitude
C: Unresponsive or experiencing loss of consciousness
D: A and C

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A and C

Key signs of an alcohol overdose include:
A: Being in a semiconscious state
B: Difficulty breathing
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A or B

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Both A and B (Being in a semiconscious state AND Difficulty breathing)

If someone is showing signs of an overdose, you should:
A: Prop them up using pillows
B: Call for help immediately
C: Give them coffee and walk them around to wake them up
D: Wait to see if the symptoms get worse
E: Both A and B

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Call for help immediately

Which of the following may indicate a potential drug overdose?
A: Aggression
B: Hallucinations
C: Unresponsive or unconscious
D: Both B and C
E: All of the above

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All of the above

Which of the following is not a key sign of an alcohol overdose (alcohol poisoning)?
A: Being passed out or not fully conscious
B: Having cool, clammy skin
C: Being unresponsive after vomiting
D: None of the above

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None of the above

EXPLANATION: A person could be experiencing alcohol poisoning if they:
1) are passed out or not fully conscious,
2) have cool, clammy skin,
3) vomit but are still unresponsive 4) have slow or irregular breathing.
5) Aggression and hallucinations are not generally signs of alcohol overdose.

Signs and symptoms of alcohol poisoning include all of the following except
Characteristics of alcohol poisoning include all of the following EXCEPT __________.
A: an inability to be awakened
B: a weak, rapid pulse
C: a yellowish tint to the skin
D: unusual or irregular breathing

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a yellowish tint to the skin

Which is a sign of alcohol overdose?
A: normal speech
B: heavy snoring
C: mild fever
D: slow, irregular breathing

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slow, irregular breathing

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:
A: Lay the person flat on his or her back
B: Get the person something to eat right away
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Lay the person flat on his or her back

If someone is showing signs of an alcohol overdose, you should:
A: Not leave the person alone
B: Get the person some coffee
C: Both A and B
D: Neither A nor B

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Not leave the person alone

Which of the following decreases the chances of an alcohol overdose:
A: Eating after drinking
B: Keeping one's BAC in a safer range (well below 0.04%)
C: Drinking coffee
D: All of the above

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Keeping one's BAC in a safer range (well below 0.04%)

Which of the following is true about drinking and driving:
A: As long as someone is under the legal alcohol limit, it is safe to drive
B: If under 21, it is illegal to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in one's blood system
C: It takes at least 2 drinks before driving is impaired
D: Both B and C

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If under 21, it is illegal to drive with any measurable amount of alcohol in one's blood system

It's possible to drink too much and:
A: Slow heart rate and breathing
B: Risk coma or death
C: Choke or suffocate on vomit
D: All of the above

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All of the above

Someone who wants to pace their drinking could try:
A: Taking small sips to drink more slowly
B: Alternating non-alcohol drinks and alcohol drinks
C: Limiting drinking to one or fewer drinks per hour
D: All of the above

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All of the above

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Alcohol Test Answers ★ Q&As 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023, 2024


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