What does the term 'Proof' mean?

★ Q: What does the term "Proof" mean?
Measure of a liquor's strength. The percentage of alcohol in liquor can be determined by dividing its proof in half.
Standard Drinks: (1 Drink =)
5 ounce of Wine(Domestic wine at 12% alcohol)
12 ounce of Beer(American lager at 4-5% alcohol)
1.5 ounces of 80 proof liquor (1½ ounces of 80-proof liquor)
1 ounce of 100-proof liquor

Proof is measure of a liquor’s strength. By dividing the proof by two, you can determine how much alcohol a liquor contains.
For example,
100-proof whiskey = 50% alcohol
80-proof vodka = 40% alcohol

★ Q: How many drinks are contained in a 60 ounce pitcher of beer with an abv of 5%?
How many drinks are contained in a 60 ounce pitcher of beer with an above of 5%
How many drinks are contained in a 60 ounce pitcher of beer with an abv of 5 percent
A. 2 drinks
B. 3 drinks
C. 4 drinks
D. 5 drinks

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5 drinks
12 ounce of Beer(American lager at 4-5% alcohol) = 1 Drink
60/12 =5 Drinks


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